Human beings are Wake-mitama* of God of the Universe, and are light itself, like the sun. The Light energy waves have created various hierarchies, including a world called the Divine realm, a world called the spiritual realm, and a world of vibrations called the subconscious realm, and then there is the physical realm you all know. Therefore, we don’t only live in the physical world, but we also live in the subconscious, the spiritual, and the Divine world.
Wake-mitama: Branch-spirits of God, or a spirit branched out of God.
Think of the human being not as a form, but as will, consciousness, and thought. It is a fact that the body itself has a will and is driven by the thought waves, and it does not act without a will or thoughts.
Human beings are Life itself, and the workings of Life become waves of Light and thoughts that create the physical world and its destiny, and the physical body is created by vibrations of Light and thoughts.
However, humans have mistakenly come to think that the body is the human being. The human being which is Life works in the Divine realm and also works in the physical world as a body of much coarser vibration, and it is eternal Life that transcends life and death.
The human life works to express the Divine Mind at various stratums, and regardless of whether you are conscious of it or not in the physical world, your true mind, true self, continues working as vibrations of Life and Light through the Divine, the spiritual, the subconscious, and the physical realms.
When you sleep, it is a precious time when the true mind and Guardian Divinities and Spirits can work fully without being disturbed by the thought vibrations of the consciousness of humans.
Even when the physical body is awake in daily life, the true mind is always conveying the Divine Will, and Guardian Divinities and Spirits are sending Light vibrations of purification. But the vibrations of the physical realm are in the way, preventing the person from realizing this fact. In other words, the conscious thoughts of the physical body are in the way.
Therefore, the ancient saints all taught to eliminate the vibrations of these thought waves, and this became the teaching and instruction of methods such as Kū* practice, Chinkon*, Mu-i* and Zentaku*.
Kū: Kū could be translated as ‘emptiness’ or ‘nothingness.’ Goi Sensei explains that Kū is not a nihilistic or negative state. It contains nothing, yet everything. It is the life of the Divine, just as it is, living vibrantly.
Chinkon: A practice in Shinto where you invite ki, the divine energy, to yourself so that you refresh yourself or spell out evil souls.
Mu-i: It means to be spontaneous and let nature(life) take its course.
Zentaku: Complete entrustment where you entrust all to your Guardian Deities and Guardian Spirits.
In any case, it is the thought and actions that hinder the truth that human beings are Divine branch-lives and that they are here on this earth to manifest the Divine Will on this earth, that delays the evolution of humanity and disturbs the peace on earth. I bring about this purification of thought waves through the Prayer for World Peace with Kieteyuku Sugata* for the humanity to unite with the Divine Mind.
Kieteyuku Sugata: The process of fading away, literally translated, which is the essential view and practice of the ‘Fading Away’ Principle of Goi Sensei.
In fact, human beings produce more Gō-sōnen*, or karmic thoughts, that hinder the evolution of humankind than thoughts necessary for them. If this situation continues, we will be in great trouble. But with the tireless protection of Guardian Divinities and Spirits and the purification through sleep, the world is somehow being kept together.
Gō-sōnen: Karmic thoughts which came to exist when we defined ourselves as physical entities. They have been accumulated in the subconscious realm of humans from the past lives up to the present. Please also refer to “Goi Sensei’s Prayer for World Peace with Kietyuku Sugata” below.
Goi Sensei’s Prayer for World Peace with Kieteyuku Sugata
Everything that takes shape in the form of sickness, poverty, flash of worry or anger, and so on, is a manifestation of karma (thoughts, words, and actions from a past consciousness), appearing at the moment when it is supposed to vanish away.
Therefore, when they arise in your life, Goi Sensei does not recommend searching for the hidden causes behind them by digging up the mistaken attitudes that you may have held in the past. Instead, he recommends thinking that all this suffering and wrong thoughts are occurring in the process of fading away, Kieteyuku Sugata*, and that they will absolutely vanish into nothingness if you throw them into the Prayer for World Peace with gratitude to your Shugo-rei and Shugo-jin*. You keep practicing this simple-mindedly at any moment, day and night.
Then, once your Gō-sōnen* has entirely disappeared, you will know that you are one with your Shugo-rei and Shugo-jin, and your Hon-shin* will shine through and a truly wonderful world will take shape around you.
Kieteyuku Sugata: The process of fading away, literally translated, which is the essential view in the practice of praying the Prayer for World Peace.
Shugo-rei and Shugo-jin: The guardian spirits and guardian divinity who always protect and guide a person for his or her salvation. Goi Sensei teaches us that your main Shugo-rei, or guardian spirit, is your spiritual parent and an awakened spirit of your ancestor and that Shugo-jin are guardian divinities, branched out from Choku-rei, or the Direct Spirit, to cooperate with Shugo-rei to develop the person’s Hon-shin.
Gō-sōnen: Karmic thoughts which came to exist when we defined ourselves as physical entities. They have been accumulated in the subconscious realm of humans from the past lives up to the present.
Hon-shin: The true mind, literally translated, is the divine self of a person, or real you, that comes from the Divine world.