The original self of a human being is eternal and immortal Life. (1)
Generally, people think that human beings live only 50 to 70 or 80 years. However, this is a big mistake. The truth is that a human being is Life that lives on and on and on. A physical human being can live 50 years or only 100 years at most, but true human beings live for hundreds of millions of years.
Some may think that I am talking very nonsense when I say this from the very beginning. However, even though human beings are no longer visible to the physical eye, in other words, even though their physical bodies are dead, they are still the very essence of Life itself that lives on eternally.
When the physical body is gone, we think that life is no longer there, but this is because we see only with our five senses. However, the truth is that human life continues to be active even after the physical body is gone. It is what we usually call a spirit.
Human beings are Wake-inochi*, a part of the Great Life, or Wake-mitama* a part of the Great Spirit. After the physical body is extinguished, human beings continue to work for the realization of the Divine Principle or Divine Will in the realms invisible to the physical eye, called the subconscious world or the spiritual world, just as they do in the physical world.
Wake-inochi: A branch-life of God.
Wake-mitama: Branch-spirits of God, or a spirit branched out of God. Please refer to the figure 2 below from God and Man.

The physical realm is a place to manifest the Great Divine Principle and each physical human being is an instrument or vessel for it.
The original self of a human being is eternal and immortal Life. (2)
The physical body, which is the instrument and vessel of the Divinity within, does not know, or knows but forgets, the Divinity, and the nations, which should be the place for the manifestation of the Divinity, began to act selfishly on their own, which has caused the misery of mankind. Therefore, if we know what the original self of a human being is, there will be no misfortunes, and even if they do occur, we can overcome them without fear and we can also make them disappear.
To teach such things, Buddha and Christ were born in this physical realm and taught, saying, “Human beings are not only the physical body. It is not only this world we can see with our five senses. If only we can negate everything we see with our five senses as nothing, nothing at all, and become Kū*, or empty, then we can clearly see what the true human being is. If all of us work together, the image of the Divine Itself will be clearly revealed in the earthly world.”
Kū: Kū could be translated as ‘emptiness’ or ‘nothingness.’ Goi Sensei explains that Kū is not a nihilistic or negative state. It contains nothing, yet everything. It is the life of the Divine, just as it is, living vibrantly.
But even today, two or three thousand years later, people still don’t recognize their original self.
That is why a person like me appears today and says, “The thoughts that you repetedly think you are unhappy are mistaken. It looks like unhappiness, but it is Kieteyuku Sugata*, appearance of past wrong thoughts appearing to disappear. The original self of a human being is the Divine child. If you continue to let go of all bad things in the Prayer, only goodness will surely appear in the environment.”
Kieteyuku Sugata: The process of fading away, literally translated, which is the essential view in the practice of praying the Prayer for World Peace. Please refer to Goi Sensei’s Prayer for World Peace with Kieteyuku Sugata at the end of this article.
Unhappiness is Kieteyuku Sugata of Gō* from the past lives.
Gō: A law of the universe that a cause takes an effect as ‘you reap what you sow.’ It also means Gō-sōnen.
It is not really a pity that people suffer from poverty, illness, and other so-called misfortunes when viewed from a larger, higher perspective. The feeling of pity comes from the emotion that the physical body itself is the very human being.
Human beings are born into this world to manifest their heavenly destiny, that is, the Life they live throughout in One Light of the Great Divinity, while eliminating their evil karma (wrong thoughts and deeds) from their past lives.
The appearance that is now appearing as unhappiness is in fact a progressing manifestation toward the world of Light and Brightness while eliminating unhappiness to manifest the heavenly destiny.
If a child gets sick, the illness will disappear if you make the child see a doctor thinking, “Oh, this will get rid of something bad, purify the child and he or she will get well.” If the parents, siblings, and relatives of a little child pray deeply, saying, “With this, Gō will disappear and the child will surely get well, and his or her true nature will be revealed,” the child will be cured before they know it.
If they continue such prayers, even if the child dies, he or she can hold a high position in the spiritual world, surrounded by the warm and high prayers of those around them.
It is because people do not know the original self of the human being that they suffer and are troubled by the misfortunes that appear as they are. It is the fundamental purpose of religion to teach and enlighten people about the true nature of human beings and the Source of Life.
Goi Sensei’s Prayer for World Peace with Kieteyuku Sugata
Everything that takes shape in the form of sickness, poverty, flash of worry or anger, and so on, is a manifestation of karma (thoughts, words, and actions from a past consciousness), appearing at the moment when it is supposed to vanish away.
Therefore, when they arise in your life, Goi Sensei does not recommend searching for the hidden causes behind them by digging up the mistaken attitudes that you may have held in the past. Instead, he recommends thinking that all this suffering and wrong thoughts are occurring in the process of fading away, Kieteyuku Sugata*, and that they will absolutely vanish into nothingness if you throw them into the Prayer for World Peace with gratitude to your Shugo-rei and Shugo-jin*. You keep practicing this simple-mindedly at any moment, day and night.
Then, once your Gō-sōnen* has entirely disappeared, you will know that you are one with your Shugo-rei and Shugo-jin, and your Hon-shin* will shine through and a truly wonderful world will take shape around you.
Kieteyuku Sugata: The process of fading away, literally translated, which is the essential view in the practice of praying the Prayer for World Peace.
Shugo-rei and Shugo-jin: The guardian spirits and guardian divinity who always protect and guide a person for his or her salvation. Goi Sensei teaches us that your main Shugo-rei, or guardian spirit, is your spiritual parent and an awakened spirit of your ancestor and that Shugo-jin are guardian divinities, branched out from Choku-rei, or the Direct Spirit, to cooperate with Shugo-rei to develop the person’s Hon-shin.
Gō-sōnen: Karmic thoughts which came to exist when we defined ourselves as physical entities. They have been accumulated in the subconscious realm of humans from the past lives up to the present.
Hon-shin: The true mind, literally translated, is the divine self of a person, or real you, that comes from the Divine world.