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- Let Us Purify the PlacePoem by Goi Sensei EverywhereIn the Great Universe,There is a place for each one of us.The place to manifest the Heavenly Idea on Earth,The place to realize the Great HarmonyIs in the Prayer for World Peace of each one of us. There should be no place on Earth that leads to war.There is a place… Read more: Let Us Purify the Place
- Prayer at the Ocean– For the enlightenment of Japan and the U.S. – On a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean,A thousand miles away, I have been praying now. The realm of the prayer is a world, deep, deep, of the Ocean.The long history of the birth of humanity on EarthComes to mind with the Mind of the Deep… Read more: Prayer at the Ocean
- The Prayer for World Peace -2-A poem by Goi Sensei It is difficult to love a person truly.Only those who have truly loved others know how difficult it is.It is even more difficult to love your country.And it is even more difficult to love humanity.The easiest way through such a difficult path:It is the way of the Prayer for World… Read more: The Prayer for World Peace -2-
- The Prayer for World Peace -1-A poem by Goi Sensei Let us cry out to our Heavenly Father:May there be peace in the Universe on Earth.Let us call out to our Mother Earth:May peace prevail on Earth!Now is the time for the Great Evolution of the Earth.Humanity must once return to the Divine Mind.You, men and women, you are all… Read more: The Prayer for World Peace -1-
- Hon-Shin* : True Mindby Masahisa Goi To brighten the future of our planet,There is something that people need to know.That is the truth about dear yourselves:That your true mind isCovered with the dark wingsOf desire, fear, sorrow, and hatredDerived from the physical lives.What you must know even more deeply is:Your true mind,Your truth about yourselvesComes from the Great… Read more: Hon-Shin* : True Mind