From Jinrui no Mirai (The Future of Humanity) published in August 1974
Without the help of Cosmic Angels, the world on earth cannot be saved.
To interact with Cosmic Angels, the person’s vibration must be adjusted. Because interaction with them is not possible unless the person becomes one with their subtle vibrations, it is a very difficult task.
To save the present humanity on earth, the cooperation of the awakened people of the earth and Cosmic Angels is essential. We have been praying the Prayer for World Peace for a long time and waited for this day to come.
It is our unchanging belief that all Gō-sōnen*, or karmic thoughts, are Kieteyuku Sugata*, and that the thing that does not disappear forever is the child of the Divine, the human being that is Light itself. And out of this belief, the teaching of “Praying the Prayer for World Peace with Kieteyuku Sugata” was born.
Gō-sōnen: Karmic thoughts which came to exist when we defined ourselves as physical entities. They have been accumulated in the subconscious realm of humans from the past lives up to the present.
Kieteyuku Sugata: The process of fading away, literally translated, which is the essential view and practice of the ‘Fading Away’ Principle of Goi Sensei.
Our way of life with All-Bright principle, where we put all thoughts of ourselves and others, including any misfortune, calamity, resentment, anger, envy, and anxiety, into World Peace as Kieteyuku Sugata, and to receive our life from the Great Light vibration of the Prayer for World Peace, will save and enlighten people as it is. However, with only that, by the time the teaching spreads throughout the entire humanity of the world, the humanity might have already been extinct.
So, by all means, we have to annihilate the Gō-sōnen vibrations altogether that are driving the world to war with some Great Power of Peace.
Who among the people of the earth is capable of changing today’s world situation into one of peace at once? It is understandable to anyone straight away that no one can do it.
Here, we can clearly say that we can by no means do anything without the Divine Power, without the working of Divine Great Light vibrations.
While the Great Light vibrations of the Divinities are working as the Prayer for World Peace through the physical bodies of each individual to extinguish the Gō-sōnen vibrations of the world, they have now begun to work full-scale as the Cosmic Angels’ assistance to the earth.
Some people have told me that they are very impressed with my talk about world peace, but that my talks about extraterrestrial intelligences might have a negative effect on my teaching. But my talks about them are actually the case. And it is my sincere view that the world on earth can never be saved without the help of Cosmic Angels. So, from now on, more and more will be informed about them.
Goi Sensei’s Prayer for World Peace with Kieteyuku Sugata
Everything that takes shape in the form of sickness, poverty, flash of worry or anger, and so on, is a manifestation of karma (thoughts, words, and actions from a past consciousness), appearing at the moment when it is supposed to vanish away.
Therefore, when they arise in your life, Goi Sensei does not recommend searching for the hidden causes behind them by digging up the mistaken attitudes that you may have held in the past. Instead, he recommends thinking that all this suffering and wrong thoughts are occurring in the process of fading away, Kieteyuku Sugata*, and that they will absolutely vanish into nothingness if you throw them into the Prayer for World Peace with gratitude to your Shugo-rei and Shugo-jin*. You keep practicing this simple-mindedly at any moment, day and night.
Then, once your Gō-sōnen* has entirely disappeared, you will know that you are one with your Shugo-rei and Shugo-jin, and your Hon-shin* will shine through and a truly wonderful world will take shape around you.
Kieteyuku Sugata: The process of fading away, literally translated, which is the essential view in the practice of praying the Prayer for World Peace.
Shugo-rei and Shugo-jin: The guardian spirits and guardian divinity who always protect and guide a person for his or her salvation. Goi Sensei teaches us that your main Shugo-rei, or guardian spirit, is your spiritual parent and an awakened spirit of your ancestor and that Shugo-jin are guardian divinities, branched out from Choku-rei, or the Direct Spirit, to cooperate with Shugo-rei to develop the person’s Hon-shin.
Gō-sōnen: Karmic thoughts which came to exist when we defined ourselves as physical entities. They have been accumulated in the subconscious realm of humans from the past lives up to the present.
Hon-shin: The true mind, literally translated, is the divine self of a person, or real you, that comes from the Divine world.