All humanity is brothers and sisters in Life.
It is needless to say once again that human beings are part of Divine Life. However, it is a strange phenomenon that many people do not recognize this fact or try to distance their minds from it.
Those who do not like the word “God” may call it the Great Universe or the Great Nature. However, some question remains as to such an explanation that the wisdom and ability that humanity possesses were born out of the mere substances of the universe or the nature. One cannot be satisfied with an idea that a creature with such great thinking and creative ability as humanity was born out of cosmos or nature, things that have only material elements.
Whether we refer to the elements of cosmic nature in scientific terms as various cosmic rays or as compounds of proteins, carbon, hydrogen, and various other elements, if we do not assume some great wisdom and great ability that operate beneath and behind the appearances, we cannot imagine that this macrocosm can operate in an orderly way or that humanity, which is a microcosm, can exist with the wisdom and ability to develop the civilization and culture we see today.
We call this Existence of Source of Life Energy with such wisdom and ability “Great Life” or “God”. So, even if a human being tries to deny the Divine, he or she is allowed to live and exists by the Great Divine Life, and without the distribution of life element from the Divine, he or she cannot live even for a moment, as a human being as we are today.
To put it more clearly, the true self of a human being exists within the Divine Great Life and Mind and is a ray of Life itself. So, no matter how much one tries to deny the Divine, it only means that the thoughts in the physical body that exists as a place or vessel are saying that It does not exist or is superstitious. Nevertheless, the true self or the true mind of the person does continue working in the Divine Great Life, Great Light, and Divine Mind.
When people speak of the Divine, they often associate it with a physical form of the human body and think of it in terms of an individualized form. The Divine may surely appear in such a form. However, It is the Life (Creation) Energy that is the Great Wisdom and Great Ability Itself pervading and extending throughout the Great Universe, and it can be said to be, in the largest perspective, the Principle of Life that extends throughout the Universe, and, in a smaller perspective, the electrons and microparticles. Human beings exist in several bodies, between the deepest and subtle Source of Life and the physical body realm formed with much more coarse vibrations.
And many people on the still-unevolved Earth believe that human beings are entities with a physical body.
However, for people like us, who have ascended to the true Source of Great Life through various methods of spiritual practice that depart from the physical human consciousness, and who have merged the true self with the self that was the physical consciousness, it is clearly understood that the physical body is a vessel for the true self, a place where the true self works.
When people come to this state of mind, they clearly realize that what they used to think of only as a religious concept that all human beings are brothers and sisters in life, is the truth and an unshakable fact, and that this concept is absolutely necessary.
The physical body exists for the development of the earth.
As long as human beings have such a thought that they exist as separate physical entities, group to group, nation to nation, basing on separate interests and willing to harm other lives for the sake of self and one’s country, human evolution stops here. And it is expected naturally that there will be no further evolution and they will end up with a major catastrophe like the ancient Atlantis continent which sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
From the viewpoint of the original Self or the True Mind of humanity, rather than from the eye of the Divine, the physical body is merely a vessel, a field, and a tool for the development of the physical earth, and when the tools and vessels of that field become dirty, they must be replaced, or the field must be purified.
The Divine is the Law and Principle of Life, and He/She does not punish human beings or inflict pain on them to humiliate them, but He/She does purify the impurities in their physical and subconscious bodies in order to facilitate the workings of their life. This causes illness, poverty, and misfortune and hardship to appear, and when the original self of the human being feels that the physical body is no longer useful as a tool or vessel, the physical body is obliterated. In other words, the physical body stops receiving life from the original Self.
This will take the form of death, and for humanity in general, it will take the form of a great natural disaster, or a major cleanup of the earth. The Guardian Deities, Guardian Spirits and Angels who work to ensure that the Divine Laws of Life are carried out without delay exert a great deal of work at such times.
No matter how hard the physical human being tries to manage this world on earth, with his or her own wisdom and ability, if they are only ones accumulated in the physical and the subconscious bodies attached to the physical body, they will eventually be exhausted, contaminated by the small ego, and will be out of alignment with the Operation of the Great Universe.
Unless humanity is constantly supplied with enlightening abilities from the Source of the infinite Wisdom of Life of the Universe, it will not be able to keep up with the evolutional operation of the Universe. Therefore, the Original Self, the ancestral spirits and Guardian Deities and Spirits that protect the individuals, as well as the Guardian Deities and Spirits that protect the nations and the humanity, cooperate in great efforts to support the evolution of the humankind on this planet.
Through these activities, many saints and sages have been born and have contributed to the evolution of humankind. We must now, more than ever, as individuals and humanity, abandon the idea of the physical human being and realize that human beings are Wake-inochi* and all human beings are brothers and sisters in Life.
Wake-inochi : A branch-life(lives) of God.
When an individual’s interests are against the interests of society, or when the interests of the state are inconsistent with the interests of humanity, any action is out of alignment with the Operation of the Universe, and must be corrected, whether we want it or not.
In order to correct such behavior with minimal physical harm to humankind, the Guardian Deities and Spirits protecting humanity consider a great variety of things.
The relationship between the Divine and humanity
In recent years, quite a number of people have affirmed that there are various stars in the universe and that human beings, far more evolved than those on earth, inhabit these stars. Our intuitional sense has clearly confirmed their existence, and we know that their scientific advance is astonishing.
If we consider it from a common sense reason, as I always say, it is impossible that the Divine with Great Wisdom and Ability would do such a ridiculous thing that human beings exist only on the earth, a small place in the solar system, in the galactic universe in this enormous Universe, and that the rest of the infinite number of constellations and stars shine or have existence value only for humanity on this tiny earth.
The fact that we have had taken it for granted, if not for granted, that the sun, the moon, and the stars exist only for the sake of earthlings, is nothing but childish thinking on the part of us humans. Terrestrial humanity is an existence that is part of the Life of the Universe, and mere terrestrial humanity, apart from the Universal Humanity, has no value of existence.
From such a greater perspective, we soon understand that it is a strange and meaningless thing to have nations and peoples fighting each other on the earth.
They fight over the authority of their own country or the pride of their own people, or they argue over ideological differences that are not that different from each other, and even go so far as to say that friendly relations cannot be established on the basis of exaggerated ideological differences or go to an armed conflict. This is because they are ignorant of the truth of the Universe.
The ideological struggle is a facade, but in reality, it is a struggle for gain and loss, for the expansion of one’s own country and people, and for the preservation of their power. In any case, the current way of life of humanity on earth, which does not understand even a fraction of the vast and boundless Divine Mind, continues to trouble the minds of the Guardian Deities and Spirits who protect the earth.
As I have already said, the fact that a human being is alive on this earth is not merely because he or she is being kept alive as an individual, but because divine Wake-inochi is working within as a place to fulfill a mission for the entire human race, and the physical body itself is the place and vessel for the operation of Life.
This one human being, as a Wake-inochi that has been separated from the Great Life of the Universe, or in other words, from Choku-rei* that is the Source of the creative Energy for humankind, continues to spread its bright vibrations from the subtle vibrations of the Divine realm to the coarse vibrations of the material realm of the physical body.
Choku-rei : the Direct Spirit(s). Please refer to the figure 2 below from God and Man.
If I explain this more precisely, the Divine creative Energy split from Choku-rei of the original world into several branches, and then into many more branches, each carrying out its own mission for the creation of the true world on earth, and each of them began to create their own world by activating their creative energy of Life in their own ways.
Because the distance between the subtle original world of Life and the coarse material vibration world on earth has been so great, each life form (human being) has long been unable to create a world where they can smoothly manifest the Divine Mind of the Great Life as It is. Instead, they have been caught up in the coarse material vibrations, and their true nature, their spirituality, has become blinded.
However, the Divine Mind knows very well that this will be the case, so the five Choku-rei have been working as Guardian Deities of their Wake-inochi, branch spirit souls, using their own Light to support them for that time.
Each Guardian Deity observes the workings and physical experience of the human beings they are protecting, and if they see that their further work in the physical world will be negative, they will withdraw Wake-inochi from the physical world. Through this process, by having them experience various reincarnations, they are trying to gradually create earthlings who are capable of achieving the harmony between spiritual and material vibrations, and create as many earthlings as possible who can manifest the Divine Will of the Universe on this planet even a day sooner.
In the meantime, older branch spirit souls have been appointed as Guardian Spirits to work for them. In addition to these Guardian Spirits for each individual, one kind of Choku-rei has been working as Guardian Deities for the entire humanity on earth, using its Great Light to prevent calamities from happening at times of crisis for humanity. One other kind of Choku-rei has begun to work as cosmic angels, as completed humanity on other celestial bodies, in support of the completion of humanity on earth who are members of the Great Universe.
We call this Divine Light as Cosmic Beings. As a result of discussions between our Guardian Deities and these Cosmic Beings, they have decided to support and guide ‘The Physics of Cosmic Essences and Life Wave’ we have been working on to fulfill our divine missions.
In this way, the human beings of the earth will continue to experience reincarnation for the self-perfection and manifestation of true humanity, and eventually, as true human beings, they will work for the Great Peace on earth.
In time, people will come to understand the truth that various human beings live on each celestial body as well as humanity on earth and that a human being lives not only in the physical realm but in other realms of different vibrations that the five senses cannot perceive. They will also know that all the various phenomena in the Universe are actually carried out by the Deities and Spirits of the Universe who hold the key to each natural phenomenon.
This will be not only a religious understanding, but also a scientific realization. But today (in the 1960s), most people do not even know a fragment of this truth.
Humans must not kill, hate, and deceive one another.
Therefore, for the present, we must start by creating as many people as possible who pray for world peace through a movement to let them know from the bottom of their hearts that we are brothers and sisters in Life and that we must not cheat, hurt, kill, or bear grudges against each other, and unite their thoughts of such people to turn them into bright vibration.
Edgar Cayce, who lived in the U.S., was a man who, in the Buddhist sense of the word, possessed Shukumeitsū, the ability to tell people about events in their past lives, instructed people with the ability about the causes of their illness and unhappiness by telling them about events in their past lives and facts of the cycle of birth and death. What he wrote in his book seems to be the same as what I always say; that good and bad luck, happiness and misfortune in this life are mostly the result of one’s own thought and actions in one’s past lives. It is certain that our current thought and actions will revolve round and round and come back as our destiny in the future without fail, in the so-called cycle of reincarnation.
People who deceive others and gloat, thinking that they have done well will surely have their deeds come back to themselves, whether in this life or the next, or the life after that. All the acts of killing and injuring will surely return as one’s own destiny one day. Therefore, I am against the half-hearted sentimental argument that even those who commit robbery and murder should not be put to death. You can never imagine how much it is better to wipe away the sin committed in this world sooner, compared to the suffering in the subconscious world.
Even if the sinner is repentant and deeply penitent, his or her conscience has something in it that cannot help but punish them. Abolitionism of capital punishment without knowledge of this truth, will only result in the continued suffering of such people.
There is not a single human being who is not Wake-inochi, a part of Divine Life. And even if one is not aware of it in one’s own physical thoughts or consciousness, the original flow of Life within is always trying to become one with the Divine. No matter how evil one may appear to be, he or she has within them the ability to completely shed the clothes of Gō-sōnen* that cover one’s true self and return to the true nature of Wake-inochi.
Gō-sōnen : Karmic thoughts which came to exist when we defined ourselves as physical entities. They have been accumulated in the subconscious realm of humans from the past lives up to the present.
Depending on the thickness of the vibration of Gō that is covering one, the time differs in which the nature of Wake-inochi, or the the Son of God, is manifested. Because everything is done by the ability of the Divinities, physical human beings are merely vessels and fields for them. However, many people today are still unaware of this fact.
Gō : A law of the universe that a cause takes an effect as ‘you reap what you sow.’ It also means Gō-sōnen.
I cannot help but raise my voice many times for the truth that the human being is divine Wake-inochi, a branch Divine Life itself, and that the physical body is only a place for working. I want more and more people to read my teaching: How Man Should Reveal His Inner Self*, so that they can stop the cycle of reincarnation caused by Gō and that the day may come sooner when they can freely engage in their creative activities as the Divine children.
How Man Should Reveal His Inner Self : The teaching that Goi Sensei wrote for peope. Please see it at the end of this article.
Human beings are divine Wake-inochi, and not Gō-shō*. When the Gō-innen* disappears that has arisen from Gō-sōnen deviated from the Divine Mind, in the past lives to the present, it appears as unpleasant things, misfortunes, and calamities in one’s present thought actions and their environment. However, this is the process where Gō-shō that hinders the true mind of the human being cleared away to reveal his or her Hon-shin*, or their original Self.
Gō-shō : Karmic existence, a mixture of good and bad.
Gō-innen : Karmic causes that bring effects.
Hon-shin : The true mind, literally translated, is the divine self of a person, or real you, that comes from the Divine world.
If one does not know this truth, he or she will firmly grasp the misfortune, calamity, or bad environment that appears, and will not be able to let go of what the Guardian Deities and Spirits have brought to the surface to eradicate and will thus thicken the layers of karma as a double Gō-shō.
What delays the development of the True Mind
In human Gō, there are two types of consciousness: one is to conceal one’s true mind, and the other is to cover up one’s own thought and actions. These two kinds of consciousness interfere with the development of one’s Hon-shin.
To illustrate, there are cases where a person knows well in his or her Hon-shin that it is good to practice love for their neighbor but does not do so because they want to spend money to improve their own environment, making excuses somehow. In other cases, where a person confront a bad person, he or she does not do anything even if their opponent comes at them. They defend themselves, by saying, “I’m trying to achieve harmony. I’m non-resistantist, so I won’t do anything,” even if it is because of physical fear.
In this way, trying to cover up the voice of one’s Hon-shin, or to hide one’s own cowardly thoughts, is to cover the original undisguised Mind of the Divine child. If one gets into this kind of habit, he or she will never progress beyond a certain level and will never be able to enter the path of Peace of Mind and Peace of Life that comes from the development of Hon-shin.
If you are in a position where you cannot practice neighbouly love, then you need to clearly express a desire in your heart to become a person who can love your neighbour just as you love yourself, even though you cannot do so in the environment. And you can apologize to the Divine for the ill feeling towards the person you cannot practice love, in your prayer for World Peace with Kieteyuku Sugata*. If you do this, one day, whether it is in this life or the next, you will eventually have an environment and a mind where you can naturally love your neighbor and you won’t have to worry about doing this or not.
Kieteyuku Sugata : The process of fading away, literally translated, which is the essential view in the practice of praying the Prayer for World Peace. Please refer to Goi Sensei’s teaching: How Man Should Reveal His Inner Self at the end of this article.
Also, those who stick to the idea of non-resistance for superficial harmony need to admit their inadequacy and pray so that they may become a genuinely courageous person by praying the Prayer for World Peace and apologizing to the Divine. Because the thoughts and deeds of a person are results of his or her habits and conditions in their past lives, we shouldn’t blame them only for their ill thoughts and actions.
However, it is necessary for the person to clearly admit his or her own thoughts and actions and to put them into the Prayer for World Peace as Kieteyuku Sugata. It is important to bring one’s own thought and actions clearly to the surface without deceiving oneself, and then have them erased by the Light of the Guardian Deities and Spirits.
It is very inappropriate to pretend that you can do something you can’t do, or to pretend that you have done something you didn’t do. So, if someone asks me, “You advocate the principle of harmony, so I suppose you certainly are a non-resistantist, aren’t you?”, I will instantly answer, “I am an advocate of Great Harmony, but I am not a non-resistantist. Everything I do comes out from the Prayer for World Peace, so there may be times when I don’t just pray silently to those who appear as evil. I never know how the Divine Mind may trun, depending on the person I am facing at the time and place.”
So, it is not necessary for a person who has not yet fully devoted their life to God to think of sitting irresistibly in front of a blade. It is necessary to be a person who can act freely in accordance with the Will of the Divine (or the Guardian Spirits), anytime and anywhere in response to the situation. You should not selfishly determine your actions in accordance with whatever-ism you hold. The Divine Will will always give you the best experience and choose the best path for your personal evolution.
What we need to do is to pray single-mindedly the Prayer for World Peace, and we cannot neglect our gratitude to our Guardian Deities and Spirits. What human beings need is actions with courage and spirit of harmony for the development of our Hon-shin and for the accomplishment of Perfect Peace for humanity. Harmonious spirit does not mean that you can only compromise. Instead, it is a mind that combines a deep faith to purify both your inner and outer Gō, the courage that springs from that deep faith, and the compassion that overflows from your heart of love for humanity.
In order to become such a human being and to realize World Peace, we need to continue praying the Prayer for World Peace every moment, every day, and have all our Gō-innen* disappear as Kieteyuku Sugata in the Great Light Vibration of the Prayer. Since the true nature of humanity is the Divine child, Love, and Harmony, the time will surely come when all humanity manifests their true nature.
Gō-innen : Karmic causes that bring effects.
How Man Should Reveal His Inner Self
Man is originally a spirit from God and not a karmic existence.
He lives under the constant guidance and protection provided by his Guardian Deities and Guardian Spirits.
All of man’s sufferings are caused when his wrong thoughts conceived during his past lives up to the present manifest in this world in the process of fading away.
Any affliction, once it has taken shape in this phenomenal world, is destined to vanish into nothingness. Therefore, you should be absolutely convinced that your sufferings will fade away and that from now on your life will be happier. Even in any difficulty, you should forgive yourself and forgive others; love yourself and love others. You should always perform the acts of love, sincerity and forgiveness and thank your Guardian Deities and Guardian Spirits for their protection and pray for the peace of the world. This will enable you as well as mankind to realize enlightenment.